Embark on a delightful adventure with "Kawaii Nihongo," our Japanese Language Camp bursting with charm and fun! 🌸 Students will dive into the captivating world of Japanese culture, where they'll explore kawaii (cute) aesthetics through arts, crafts, and captivating storytelling. Kids will practice speaking, reading, and writing in Japanese, discovering a new language and unlocking the magic of Japan right at their fingertips.
The "Kawaii Nihongo" experience is not just about language—it's about expanding horizons and sparking creativity. This camp encourages children to embrace new sounds, symbols, and expressions, building foundational language skills in an exciting, engaging way. With every lesson, they’ll grow in confidence and cultural awareness, making memories alongside new friends. Come join the fun as students set off on this joyful journey to the heart of Japan! 🎌
Chigusa loves working with kids, has worked as a children's art teacher for 5 years, and has many passions to share! Among them are jewelry-making, key-chain-making, Sumi Calligraphy, painting, gardening, Japanese language and culture, making sushi, and learning about animals and the outdoors.
Teacher Chigusa is also a talented athlete, particularly in swimming which she's coached for many years. As a student, she was also a member of the competitive basketball and Kendo (Japanese martial arts) teams.
Chigusa is vaccinated against COVID-19, CPR, AED and First Aid certified.